Enetoca Sociale is a great restaurant, where we go if we can’t get a table at Pizzeria Libretto. When we got there, we were early and saw them covering up a bullet hole in their window, and when we asked them why it was there they said it was someone from the nightclub across the street who had a gun and shot a hole in the window and went through the curtain too. It sort of bothered me because there was a bullet hole and sort of creeped me out, but glad they put a sign up over it.
We had to wait a while for our table while the waiters and waitresses were running through last minute preparation, but the staff there are very nice. I love their cheese menu and the waiters and waitresses make recommendations for me. My mom likes me to only get sheep and goat milk cheese, and my favourite so far has been, Grey Owl. It was a soft cheese served on the board with honey and crackers. I usually get 3 cheeses, but I would like to get 5. They divide the cheeses on the special menu into categories, like soft, hard, medium, and blue. Things like apricots and honey come with the cheese (I gave the apricot thing to my sister because I didn’t like it).
I don’t eat meat at home,or white stuff like pasta, but when the ingredients are clean and fresh then my mom lets me choose whatever I want and I LOOOVE the Spaghetti Carbonara, which has pieces of pancetta in it. And best of all, it didn’t make me really thirsty afterwards (well, overly thirsty anyway…I’ve had to cut back on the prosciutto at Libretto because it makes me insanely thirsty and gets stuck in my orthodontics).
I also realized that I liked fiddleheads, they are way better than asparagus in my opinion, which we seem to get at home everyday when it’s in season! The chickpea fritter dish with mushrooms and lentils on the bottom was delicious. We all shared it even though it was my dad’s dish.
Next time I go there, I am going to ask if I can see the cheese cave (it says on the menu “from our very own cheese cave” and I saw it when I went to the bathroom downstairs but didn’t get to go in).
Enoteca Sociale is a very good restaurant, and I love it there.