I always love going to the Green Living Show because I like walking around and checking out the booths – seeing people and products I already know and finding new ones is really fun. The food is usually great too!! It’s late at night now, but I wanted to tell you all about the show, so you can get there and know what to expect.
Here are my notes:
Why is the Fahrenheit Grill still selling hot dogs and fries and coke at green living show? That’s disappointing and totally gross. I saw people eating there even though right beside it there was awesome chef’s food!
I tried a new cheese at Monforte called Waltzing Matilda, a water buffalo cheese with an ash rind. It was really outstanding with the herbs, and had a great flavour. I plan on getting one at the market tomorrow! They are (like always!) beside Evelyn’s Crackers – all of their flavours of crackers are great!
I tried the organic hummus from Sunflower Kitchen that was pretty good for something in a container.
You must stop by the Organic Garage Booth! The people are very nice, and the highlight was obviously RawFoodz. (I even convinced Jacqui from Gone Shopping to buy 3!) You can also get Silver Hills sprouted bagels – try the Herb’s Garlic ones, they’re really really good.

I should admit that I ate more than just one sample of Daiya Cheese, I think I had around twelve, I just couldn’t help myself! It’s so gooey when it’s melted. Have you ever tried vegan cheese? I really, really love cheese!

It was great to try Giddy YoYo‘s Xtra Dark Chocolate – absolutely awesome, but their mocha bar is still my favourite of theirs.
As far as chocolate goes, you must try the Cheeky Monkey Bar from ZaZu Bean – the real banana flavour in it was absolutely incredible!

I signed the petition to stop the Mega Quarry – you really should too, it really doesn’t make sense what they are doing with that Mega Quarry! (and I forgot to pick up my sign on the way out, oops!) If they don’t sell out, you should get an organic Foodstock shirt – they are very very comfy.

Loved the dude in the fair trade banana suit. I do NOT want that job when I grow up.

It’s always good to see and sample Neal Brothers Chips and Popcorn.
Explain to me also why the Organic Council of Ontario with ONFC is promoting organics and organic tomato sauce while serving it in a paper cup with conventional white bread. I asked them and they didn’t really understand or care. That’s really annoying to me.
Vida Grains was amazing and so nice. I loved their Savory Fiesta Meal Booster. The woman working there (I forget her name, oops!) was so nice and I gave her some advice to label her product nut-free to boost her sales.
Sodastream flavour mixers (syrups) are really gross, but I love the glass bottle machine they sell. I imagine myself carbonating a big green juice! (my mom wouldn’t buy one)
Dinner was fun as usual. Buy voucher tickets and you can go and speak to different chefs and choose to get their dishes (or not). Most dishes are very small so you can have many. My highlights included: LPK’s sweet potato donuts, Jamie Kennedy’s recipe of Mushroom Barley Soup, Magic Oven‘s Spelt Flatbread (Tony from Magic Oven is SO nice), I also really enjoyed the incredible grilled cheese with Monforte Cheese on De La Terre Bread (you can get their bread at Sorauren Farmers’ Market).

After walking up and down lots of aisles, I treated myself to a Chocolate Chip Cookie Sandwich from LPK that you wouldn’t ever believe is vegan and gluten-free!
My favourite booth of the show was Rise Kombucha. They have just rebranded and you might remember them as Crudessence. They have four flavours, and my favourite is the Lemongrass (formerly known as Clarte). It’s really a great fizzy drink. Stop by for a sample and tell them that I sent you!!

Overall, I highly recommend going and be sure to take an old appliance or gadget and you can properly recycle it AND get in for FREE!