My family and I were lucky enough to go to Jamaica on vacation this year. Because of the way we eat, we take all of our own food, except produce, of course. This year, my mom found an organic farm called Zionites Farm in Free Hill, St. Ann, Jamaica (no website yet) who was happily able to deliver to us. And, they didn’t just grow organic produce, they also baked their own cakes, breads and jarred condiments. Nut free! All vegan! And many of the ingredients used were organic from their own farm! Score!

The delivery arrived packed perfectly in a box with no plastic wrapping, but they used their banana and palm leaf scraps! We got lots of greens and some of the best microgreens I’ve ever had. I know we’ll be getting a lot more of what they have to offer next time!
We tried their chocolate cake with fresh mint pressed into the top as a garnish, but the mint also tasted great! We also ordered a banana coconut cake which was so delectable that I cannot describe it well enough to give it the credit it deserves. We needed to order another one for our plane ride home it was so good! They baked us a multigrain bread that was one of the best breads I’ve ever had as well. Their jarred condiments are all packaged in glass jars which is amazing. Their hot sauce we tried is called “Blow Fyah” (pronounced “blow fire) and it was so super spicy that even my parents could only take a little bit at a time, and we like spicy! You have to imagine how good their banana preserves are too, it was the best thing I’ve spread on to my toast since I discovered Sunbutter. By the way, if you combine the Stush in the Bush Banana Preserves with the Sunbutter, it tastes incredibly, amazingly awesome! I am even considering importing the preserves into Canada, is anybody interested?
The main reason we got a second delivery was because my sister was pestering my mother for fresh sugar cane and they had some from their farm. Plus, we wanted more cacao pods. Even thought the inside of them look like a giant worm, it tastes so sweet and was fun to eat, plus you can’t get those in Toronto, although I’m going to ask Chocosol now that I think of it. I also realize that with our big sugar cane delivery, I never even ate any of it, my sister devoured it! I guess I’ll need to go back!!
Also, you should know that the farmers drove two hours to deliver the second order to us, and they were SO nice and we were all glad to meet them. It’s crazy what we all are willing to do to connect over real food. I hope if you are going to Jamaica, you will support them by placing an order from them, so we can keep them in business and keep enjoying their wonderful products. Next year, if I’m lucky enough to go back, we are going to have a tour of their farm for sure.