If you can find this small (but awesmazing) grocery store, it’s like you’ve found a very valuable treasure in Toronto! Karma-Coop, near Bathurst and Bloor, on Palmerston, specializes in organic, local, non-GMO and fair trade products – just what we all really need!
You have to be a member to take advantage of shopping their store, and their great prices, but you can also get a one-month-long trial membership right now. You’re sure to be hooked on shopping there after a month, because it’s such a great place, with great products, and the people working there are super friendly, too, so that’s a really smart move by them to give us all a try!
Some of my favourite highlights of Karma Co-Coop are:
1. well labeled produce to know exactly what is organic, and where it came from, too – and they love and support our local farmers (when I was there, they had just received organic, local horseradish, which I had never seen before)
2. the best bulk sections I’ve ever seen, from grains and flours and nuts and stuff like you see very often, but also a whole multi-tiered shelf unit of spices and even oils and vinegars – I’ve only seen that really at the farmers’ markets! such a great way to spend money on the product instead of the packaging, and not throw containers away after use!
3. great little friendly-feeling space
4. they carry lots of vegan ice cream, like my favourite, Coconut Bliss
5. they support our local and organic farmers
6. they have tons of fair-trade products, including organic bananas!
7. they do not carry any GMOs, and let people know that!
8. they don’t have bags, so, bring your own, and they recycle and compost and sort everything and help you to do so!
9. they have bicycle parking, makes me want to move a bit closer!
10. all of the people who shop there are also the owners, how cool is that? (here’s an explanation)
Please try and check out this little, grand co-op, because they really need members to stay in business right now, and we need MORE places like this around, not less!!
Here’s how to become a member or try shopping there, or go to an orientation: Karma Co-Op Membership